Saturday, September 29, 2007


In Myanmar, the country formerly known as Burma, there is chaos. With internet and cell phone service cut it is difficult to get details, but it seems apparent that massive protests against an oppressive, militaristic government have been met with lethal force. Scores of people are dead; no one knows how many and no one knows what will result.

This is how democracies are created. People suffer oppression as long as they can, but finally rise up and demand freedom, fight for it tooth and nail, regardless of the cost. It cannot be bestowed as a departing gift by an occupying army, nor can it be impose it as a condition of that departure.

We have no business in Iraq, other than the business of oil. We must begin bringing troops home immediately, as qickly as is tactically safe, and any candidate who will not stand up and say so now is unworthy of your vote in 2008.

a foot on either side


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