Monday, March 23, 2009


Times TV critic Robert Lloyd took exception to a remark the president made to Jay Leno last night. Obama mentioned that he had recently bowled a 129; Leno mockingly said, “That’s very good, Mr. President,” and Obama said, “This is like the Special Olympics.” Lloyd, apparently offended, said the remark was “...nothing you’d want the president to say, or even think.”

President Obama was absolutely not making fun Special Olympics participants; he was laughing at Leno’s high praise for his own low score. If you’re going to be offended, you should get your story right.

Second, give Mr. Lloyd’s expertise as a TV critic, you’d think he would know that The Tonight Show is a comedy. People go there to make jokes. Here is a brief list of the people Jay Leno ruthlessly chided in his opening monologue: NBC executive, Joe Biden, non-English speakers, body builders, AIG executives, Ryan Seacrest, homosexuals, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Modanna, and Bernie Madoff.

Political correctness, like pizza, is fine up to a point. Too much of it leaves you with a stomach ache and a bad taste in your mouth.


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