Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Tax rates have you pissed? Talk to Bill Frist. I e-mailed this letter to the L. A. Times:

I’m not much of an economist, not even a very good mathematician, really, which is probably why I’m confused by what I saw on the TODAY show this morning. Senate majority leader Bill Frist issued a bizarre threat in an interview with Matt Lauer, saying that unless tax cuts for the wealthiest American’s were made permanent, tax hikes for middle income wage earners would be unavoidable. He did not elaborate.

I don’t see how that would work. Setting aside for a moment the whole alternate reality notion that giving more money to the wealthy somehow benefits the poor, if we deduct money from the treasury with permanent tax cuts, how does that protect the middle class from a tax hikes?

I tell ya, it’s a mystery to me. I’m just glad we have straight shooters like Bill Frist and George Bush running the show. Otherwise, we’d really be up the creek.


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