Friday, August 25, 2006


Yesterday, Congress passed legislation allowing over-the-counter sales of the contraceptive, Plan B, to anyone eighteen or older. The “morning after” pill is fairly effective at preventing pregnancy if taken within 72 hours of sexual contact, and was previously available only by prescription. The law did not pass unnoticed.

Conservative groups, who would prefer legislation that made Plan A abstinence and Plan B marriage, loudly expressed their darkest fears, that easy access to this birth control product would lead to rampant promiscuity among teens. Research in countries where Plan B has been available for years refutes this theory. Of course, that’s how these groups feel about every birth control device. Their goal is to restrict sexual contact to married couples only. Needless to say, they would also like to place restrictions on who can get married.

Tell you the truth, if I were they, I’d be less worried about Plan B and more worried about rock videos. This popular form of sales/entertainment is little more than an erotic invitation to a non-stop love fest, BYOD (bring your own drugs). The not-so-subtle implication in most of them is that life is one big goddamn party, and if you play your cards right you can leave your brains, your upbringing, and your clothes at the door. Conservative groups may be worried, but Plan B is truly the least of their worries.

One foot on either side.



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