Wednesday, October 01, 2008


The Veep debate is right around the corner. Democrats are putting extra chairs in the living room, stocking up on popcorn and Gummy Bears, and inviting friends over to gleefully watch Joe Biden run a dog sled over his ill-prepared competitor. Better get some Tums, too.

Gov. Palin is an experienced debater – see her gubernatorial debates on U-Tube – and a former sports reporter. She is completely familiar and comfortable with both cameras and audiences. On top of that she is filled with self-confidence – undeserved perhaps, but there all the same – has a ton of bluster and does not hesitate to interrupt or talk over her opponents. It may seem rude at first, but the end result is that she looks like she knows what she is talking about while her opponent looks like a dork. Sarah Palin may not be an expert on foreign relations but if you think she’s going to do a Tina Fey imitation and sink like a stone you should probably rethink.

Mr. Biden would do well to take this debate very seriously - keep his answers short and to the point and do not hesitate to attack. She certainly won’t.


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