Sunday, January 24, 2010


It isn't always easy to connect the dots, or even to notice when a new dot has appeared on the screen. Let's see if we can't connect a few: Reckless investors cause worldwide economic meltdown > Fed bails out reckless investors > millions lose jobs, income, homes > lives are brutally interrupted, some temporarily, some permanently > reckless investors receive $140 billion in bonuses > Congress debates special tax on investor bonuses.

Last week's Supreme Court decision to eliminate restrictions on corporate spending in the political arena has its own dire consequences, one of which was suggested by Sen. Dick Durbin on Face The Nation. The same corporations that were responsible for our current economic woes and gladly accepted federal bail out money to stay afloat, can now contact each member of Congress and say, If you vote yes on this special tax, we will crush you beneath a flood of negative advertising. Any politician who favors the tax and thinks he has a future in Washington had better have a plan B.

This is government by corporation, and this is not good.


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