Sunday, October 19, 2008


Colin Powell, retired Chairman of the Joint Chief and former Secretary of State, endorsed Barack Obama this morning on Meet The Press. Sighting the qualifications of both men, Powell told moderator Tom Brokaw that he felt the country needed a change of direction and tone, and that he would be voting for Obama. In doing so, he apologised to long-time friend, John McCain.

Powell, who at one time was the most likely choice to become America's first black president, said he was disturbed by McCain's choice of Sarah Palin and encouraged by Obama's development over the course of the campaign. He made a special point of saying that he thought Obama would definitely be ready to be commander in chief on day one.

The endorsement from Powell will provide Obama's campaign, already traveling at warp speed, with an additional rocket boost. With only two weeks and two days left before the election, now is the time to put the pedal to the metal. The entire staff of Bush Leeg believes he can really win. See you at the finish line!


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