Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Sarah Palin used her final speech as governor of Alaska to reiterate several of her favorite talking points. Allow me to reiterated one of mine: the former governor is a dangerous demagogue, and anyone who underestimates her does so at their own peril.

Affecting a “poor me” demeanor and using her familiar down-home speaking style, Palin accused the press of fabricating lies, begging them to just, “...quit makin’ things up,” giving them short shrift as “people (who) choose not to hear me.”

She pandered to the military, repeatedly expressing her gratitude and referring often to the ultimate sacrifice made by some of Alaska’s young men in uniform. Those who disagree with her were dismissed as pessimists and apologists, accused of “tearing down America.”

Well known for her hunting exploits, Palin made a point of slamming animal rights advocates, especially celebrities, referring to them as, “delicate, tiny, very talented (at lying) starlets. They need to know we eat, therefore we hunt,” she said. Oblivious to the clash of metaphors, she then compared her love of Alaska to the protective attitude of a Grizzly with her cubs.

Pandering to yet another powerful voting block, she added that (the celebrities) “use Alaska as a fund-raising tool for their 2nd Amendment causes.” Alaska can manage its own fish and game resources, she said, and doesn’t need the help of any “outside special interests (who) just don’t get it.”

Voicing one of her favorite themes, Palin explained her refusal of federal funds by saying, “We can resist enslavement to big, central government,” though it isn’t entirely clear just who is trying to enslave Alaska.

Don’t kid yourself, Sarah Palin is setting herself up for a run at the White House in 2012. Her woman-of-the-people image has tremendous appeal to a wide variety of Americans. Whatever shortcomings she may have, Sarah “Barracuda” Palin isn’t dumb and and is very determined. The Obama administration would do well to keep her on their radar screen. She is definitely not going away.


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