Thursday, August 10, 2006


Joe Blow

Senator Joe Lieberman (in Yiddish that means “losing candidate”) has tanked in the Connecticut primary. The three-term senator, which is two terms more than any senator should have in my book, lost the race to a no-term, rich guy. Is America great or what?

Actually, this is a big league way to run a democracy. Lieberman believed in the war in Iraq, and to his credit, had the chutspah to stand up and say so, even if that meant siding with the opposition party and a mentally challenged president. The people of Connecticut disagreed and voted him out, despite the weighty advantages of incumbency and party support.

So, in the long run, this is a huge plus for us because it shows that our system, slow though it may be, eventually reacts to the will of the people. Yeah us!

One foot on either side.



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