Sunday, August 13, 2006


An article in yesterday’s L.A. Times reported an appeals court decision to retain the controversial, high school exit exam. Being a fair-minded paper, they gave some print space to both sides. I sent in the following letter:

Whenever I go to see my doctor I find myself perusing all the nicely framed diplomas on the wall. Not that I’m checking, really, just enjoying a little confidence-boosting moment. I would be loath to discover that he had flunked his medical school exit exam but was given the degree anyway. I don’t really care if he is a minority or if he has “language issues.” I’d prefer to think he was actually bright enough to overcome these obstacles and pass the exam.

There’s a lot of boo-hooing around town about the appeals court upholding the high school exit exam, how unfair it is. I am not impressed. What is unfair is giving a diploma to someone who hasn’t earned it. It is unfair to all those who did. If a high school diploma is to have any value at all, passing an exit exam that requires no more than eighth grade math skills and tenth grade English skills is about as low as you can set the bar. Any lower and you might as well sell diplomas at Farmers Market, next to the I SURVIVED HOLLYWOOD posters. Or just give them away with ipods – that way you’d be sure everyone had one.

One foot on either side.



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