The Republican outcry for the resignation of Rep. Anthony Weiner is sheer hypocrisy. He is the House’s most articulate voice on liberal issues and they want that voice silenced. Not quite the same tack they take with their own. When Republicans are caught in the act, not just posting photos on the internet and “sexting” with strangers but actually having sex with women other than their wives – or men, in some cases – then their fellow Republicans are all sympathy and tears, worried only about the families involved and leaving it to the constituents to decide. They are hypocrites and cowards.
Rep. Weiner clearly has a psychological/sexual problem for which he should seek professional help. But let’s remember, whatever Weiner did, he didn’t cause anyone to lose their job or their house or suffer financial ruin as did some. His is a personal tragedy and should be handled as such. I do not want to see this powerful advocate for common sense silenced.