S. 649
Notes from the desert
A few days ago, NBC News revealed a Department of Justice white paper that summarized the department's legal position on murdering Americans abroad who are suspected of terrorism: no problem! Once the intended target is identified as a "senior operational leader" in al-Qaeda or an associated group, who poses an imminent threat to U.S. security, the DOJ now claims that person is fair game, du process be damned. They do go to great lengths to blur the meaning of the word "imminent," leaving the actual definition to the reader. Hey, what could possibly go wrong with that policy? Let's see:
Every politician wants the endorsement of Hollywood stars. They're so glaaaamorous. The problem is, most stars are Democrats. So the GOP has to settle for whomever they can get. In this case, they got Clint Eastwood, and a bit more than they bargained for.
Missed it! It was too hot, I had rehearsals for a new play, I knew it would be the SOS, so ... But I do have a question. What's the short argument in favor of lower taxes for investors? Needless to say, investors, like the Mittster, pay roughly 15% on their profits while the rest of us pay about 35% on our wages. So the short argument is that the tax break is an incentive, it encourages investors to invest, which creates jobs, which give consumers money they can then spend on products - right? Sounds pretty good, don't you think?
As Hurricane Isaac gathers strength and heads for New Orleans, the GOP gathers in Tampa to try an whip up excitement for the world's most boring candidate and come away with a cohesive message. Both Romney and Obama have a single task, in my opinion, which has nothing to do with birth certificates or tax returns: it is to try and regain trust. Not so easy.
Do you ever get the feeling that the game is completely rigged? You don't really want to say anything because, first of all, what if it isn't rigged and you're just not smart enough to figure out how to play. Or, what if the game is actually fair, but you're nuts! Well, the good news is, you're not nuts. The bad news is, the game is actually rigged.